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Grabbing a shadow
Tommaso Giagni reconstructs the life of an unrepeatable character, by mixing the rigor of the historical research to the use of an engaging language.
Lost’s Labor’s Love
Is it still possible to fight together for something, maybe for the last time, and to have a shred of hope?
My Favorite Things
Sergio Baratto, through a dense and courageous style, describes our urban and post-industrial solitudes.
The Alternative Plot
A new point of view on a much-discussed topic about gender-based violence that brings everyone to rewrite our definitions of victim and culprit, towards an idea of justice that resembles a path of collective recovery
Fehida narrates how it is to live and die inside a ‘Ndrangheta feud.
I Suffer, Therefore We Are
Marco Rovelli narrates the disasters of the hyper-modern and neo-liberal civilization
Radio Magic
In and out the walls of that old cellar, the future sprinkles like a promise.
My Ex's Life (to my mind)
Accompanied by the caustic line of the illustrator Eliana Albertini, Gero Arnone stages a comic cruelty with a sharp pen and a surgical gaze.
This Is Not a Dinner Party
Alberto Prunetti tries to define the features of the working-class literature and traces its evolution.
Born in Gomorrah
To be born, grow up and die in a normal family in the land of camorra. The most powerful memoir of the year.
To Turn Off the Light and Look at the World Now and Then
The letters have the priceless merit to show how Woolf presented herself to others, the way she wanted to be perceived, understood and remembered.