Zero Territory

For a new society with zero emissions, zero waste and zero food miles
Titolo originale: Territorio zero
Book published: February 2013
Book pages: 111
Rights sold to:

finished copies available


The contemporary economical crisis is forcing the Western world to accept the idea that the model of the Second Industrial Revolution is now useless, when not dangerous. Territorio zero, written by two experts of environmental sciences and engineering, is a manifesto aimed to national and local governments and common citizens alike; it recommends policies and measures which could radically change our current economical model, leading to a world with zero waste, zero polluting emissions, zero food miles. It doesn’t contain vague ideas or abstract guidelines, but a specific program, based on scientific and technical principles, for an innovative kind of territorial development respectful of natural resources: it includes new strategies for agriculture, urban planning, waste management, energy production, etc. The final goal, though, is plainly political: building a new model of society, fair, democratic and sustainable, for us and the future generations.


A number of grassroots movements and local communities in Italy are already discussing the manifesto and using it as a tool for change. (For example, more than 120 city councils have subscribed to the “Zero Waste” project described in it.)


Together with the manifesto itself, the book contains a number of texts commenting on it and offering further information and insight on the subject. Authors of these pieces include world-famous thinkers like economist Jeremy Rifkin and political scientist Eric Toussaint. 


Table of contents:

Livio de Santoli and Angelo Consoli, Towards “Territorio Zero”. Manifesto for a new society with zero emissions, zero waste and zero food miles

Paul Connett, “Territorio Zero”, a Moral Imperative for Sustainability

Livio de Santoli, The Community of Energy

Sergio Di Cori Modigliani, The Existential Narrative of “Territorio Zero”

Carlo Petrini, Eating local

Alessandro Politi, Neo-growth: A Strategical Approach from Wild Finance to Widespread Developement

Franco Purini, Fragments on Post-cities

Jeremy Rifkin, The Third Industrial Revolution on a Local Scale

Eric Toussaint, The Cancellation of Illegitimate Debt

Press reviews

La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno - Ed. Brindisi

La necessità di interrogarsi sull'esistenza di modelli alternativi.

Gli Amanti dei Libri

Un programma di sviluppo territoriale rispettoso delle risorse naturali in una visione innovativa.