Autobiography of a Fascist Thug
Autobiography of a Fascist Thug by Giulio Salierno, almost fifty years after its first release, is still a very current book: the moving story of a man who, by narrating his own story, managed to write a fundamental piece of the autobiography of Italy.
He also prophesied how a real revolution would never have happened thanks to the use of weapons, but through the defense of the rights of the weakest: the poor, the ignorant, the underprivileged, the prisoners.
The scathing testimony of a boy who chooses to give his own life for the political violence and murder. A detailed narration about the character and development of Italian neo-fascism, among paramilitary camps, explosives trafficking, institutional corruption.
A real-life novel about the existential and cultural conversion of a man, through the experience of the prison, which will lead him to become an internationally renowned sociologist.
A work of disconcerting relevance, given the political moment we are living.
An extraordinary document, public and private, by one of the most important Italian intellectuals, accompanied by a preface by Sergio Luzzatto and a note by the author’s daughter Simona Salierno.